Thursday, December 8, 2011

Law and criminality

Once a Criminal, Not are always a Criminal...

What Type of Good Deeds Crime have you done today ??

As you may be aware of, our World is filled with crime, from small, simple things to something BIG, that leads us to the wrong path somehow.However, every country is trying as hard as they can, making rules so that people avoid these crimes, you can call it 'LAWS' so that people that were 'once a criminal, not are always a criminal', so today's question that i would like you readers to express your thoughts in and add your opinions are :

1: Have you ever broken the law? (This answer Can be anything...even small things like wearing short skirts in malls when it clearly mentions not to :)

2: Tell me your feeling on breaking the law. When did you break the law and why ? 

Just open your mind and share your personal perspective :)


  1. i am billgates yea i did break a law by helping someone cheat in the exam and it really felt good ;) no extra information tom cruise is watching me :)and when i became 31 i became a billionaire thats enough to prove myself that i am bill gates

  2. Hello! Unfortunately I'm not Bill Gates but hey Im cool so I dont really care; anyways, I've broken laws plenty of times too (I admit it its pretty fun). I've played 18+ games, you know shot few people .... but that doesnt matter .... Anyways, Im a 9 year old and I usually <3 watching Barney, and I also like the colour Purple.
    Thanks for wasting ur time and reading my comment. Contact me at;

    PS. I really like ur PINK blog! (:

  3. Thank you Bill Gates and the person who is not Bill gates HAHAH :)
    Thanks for commenting u made my day :P

  4. I've done a couple of crimes.. At school, ive cheated in the exams. Ive exchanged papers with my friend so that she could do that paper for me. It was quite cool because I didn't get caught. Pretty awesome experience. I've also bunked school, and got caught the second time I did it. I was terrible. I felt like my guts were being grinned and my heart was gonna explode. I got punished by being grounded. :p

  5. i did underage drinking...i think i would have probably got fined or the person who gave me would have gotten into trouble! i chose to break it because i was curious what alcohol tasted like so yea :P

    - the awesome(uday)

  6. Just like others, I've had a few rebellious moments. It's part of being juvenile, part of life. One being vandalising my school wall and tables. To 2 graders, it was a HUGE deal. So my friends labelled me as a rebel. Some even threatened to tell the teacher but what did I care. I felt cool.

    This feeling didn't last very long as I found myself watching an episode of Cops & Crimes (or something along those lines) soon after that incident. I started crying - cried because my so-called rebellious act wasn't at all 'cool'. It was foolish, immoral, downright wrong, and had brutal consequences.

    As much as I want to say everyone deserves a little freedom from constrictions we know as rules and laws, I strongly believe otherwise. Truth be told, freedom itself is the reason why our world is in such chaos - nobody knows their limits.

  7. thank you Aqilah for sharing your thoughts :)
    Your words say so much and explains everything us all a clear picture ...
    and its ok if u r not 'cool' ;P

  8. As a human, i don't expect myself to be perfect, so yes i admit i did face breaking rules once or twice or trice,(get the point) in my life. Nope i didn't kill any one :P but i still got the guilt feeling through out my life at a certain point. I Have stolen, as a kid (candy), cheated at an exam and i lied about it all the time :) but at some point we get caught and it wasn't pleasant at all :)

    We all do mistakes after all but that doesn't mean we always use it as our excuse :D
