Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Abdullah is a local, age 15 : 

Nasreen: Umm.. Hello…I will ask you few questions related to belief systems...Lets begin with the easiest question : what do you believe in ? It can be religious too , Just answer and express yourself :)

Abdullah : I believe in Allah 
2. I believe that prayers bring calmness
3. I believe In family 
5. Patience 
I guess that is all ..

Nasreen: Alright second question : How do you feel about having different belief systems in your country ? As in do you mind having the other believes? 

Abdullah : Everybody has their own believes .. We cant blame them or say anything about them. But we can respect them. I think in this country believes do matter. And like if two people have the same believes their way of acting to each other is different and if you have two people with different believes they act in a different manner. I don’t mind the different believes but I don’t believe in them I just think that as long as they respect ours and I respect theirs I am fine with it . :)

Nasreen : thank you so much and yes I do agree respecting other believes is just the best way to get along …Thank you again :)

 Dalia is Half Syrian  and  half Russian lets see what she has to say: 
Nasreen : Hello …so in our global perspective we are doing on belief systems …would you mind if I asked you few questions?

Dalia: Hey ..I would love to help you :)

Nasreen : So what do you believe in ? you can say as much as you want 

Dalia : I come from an open minded family where we respect all the cultures the way we should and  I believe in equality, we all  differ but at the same time we are the same. And that every one has the right to be heard.

Nasreen: Oh that is sweet alright ready for the next question ? How do you feel about following the belief system of the UAE ? As in  does it effect you or do you have any problems or sometimes do you wish you can ignore it ?

Dalia: Well, UAE is doing a very good job in that since it warmly welcomes hundreds of people all around the world. No it doesn't affect me since in my opinion UAE welcomes every one so it deserve respect and we should follow the rules since at the end of the day we are living in it. UAE is trying its best to make us feel like we're at home, so of course it is morally correct to respect it and the locals in it. Imagine, if a foreigner comes to your country, obviously you'd like them to respect your beliefs and regulations.

Nasreen : Awww very well said ..Thank you so much for letting out your  sweet words that taste like honey …Yes I know I am being dramatic ..Thank you again :)